
Christine Mackenzie Strohman is an amazing local realtor who always goes above and beyond for her clients. She is always thinking of ways to give back to local small businesses, her community, friends and family. Christine thoughtfully gifted her real estate clients with a delicious homemade treat from Baker’s Lane Biscotti for the 2020 holiday season! Knowing Chris, she would only offer the best for her clients and friends, so I was both honored and thrilled that she chose to work with me and offer BLB products. Her clients were able to choose from our selection of biscotti and pizzelle and they were delivered straightaway. I am lucky to be able to say that I was her friend before I was her client (multiple times). By the way, Chris’ favorite is the double-pressed pizzelle—we share that in common!

This was a wonderful collaboration. Baker’s Lane Biscotti received nice feedback, a lovely review on Facebook and one of her clients even returned to the website to purchase a gift for a family member.

Christine also gifted a trio of treats from Baker’s Lane Biscotti as her October 2021 giveaway!

Continuing with her generosity, Christine purchased a large quantity of one-dozen boxes of almond and anise biscotti to give as gifts to friends and colleagues for the 2022 holiday season.

Thank you, Christine, for trusting Baker’s Lane Biscotti time and time again, with the important task of showing your appreciation to clients, colleagues, friends and family.